• The Gospel

    God’s Plan & Man’s Rebellion Against Him

    From the very start of creation, God made man in his own image and gave him the privilege of having a personal relationship with him. Yet, through man’s own rebellion toward God (in Adam and Eve) and desire to live apart from him, this relationship has been cut off. But, there is great news for us! Although we deserve it, God hasn’t just wipe us out. Out of his own love he planned a story of redemption that would allow the his people to return to him. God’s Plan from Adam to Jesus Right in the story of humanity’s rebellion, we see that God is not caught off guard or…

  • Devotional Thoughts

    Are You Groggy Today, Christian?

    Groggy day? Easily irritable? Focused? A question I need to ask myself every day: Am I walking into the day “filled with the Spirit,” “renewed” in my mind, putting “on the new self?” Am I going to fight for it or try to coast today? “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit…” “…the truth is in Jesus, to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true…

  • The Gospel

    Christ and a Teenager

    In my teenage years I thought of myself as being “a good Christian kid,” but underneath my outward charm and “goodness,” I felt that what I had wasn’t enough for me. There was a hunger within my soul for something more in this life than just a ticket to heaven. In my mid-teen years, I heard two sermons that drastically impacted me. The first was called, Shocking Youth Message by Paul Washer. When I look back I see that it wasn’t necessarily the message of the sermon (although that hit me hard), but the fact that I saw something in Paul Washer that I didn’t have. Paul had such a passion for…