House Church

Church Planting in Burton, MI

We started our house church July 3rd, 2024 partnering with Roots Church Network. Our first meeting was just with our kids where we explained what we were doing and got their input on doing it. They happily came up with ideas of what it could look like, who we should invite, what we needed (1st on their list, of course, was a trampoline because Art Thomas’ house church has a trampoline!). It was beautiful to dream together with our kids and share our heart for making disciples with them.

Since then, we have had 6-8 beautiful people join us besides our family (the majority of the house church being kids!😊). We have prayed for several healings for those coming who have had long term pain or recent injuries and illnesses. We have focused our meetings on everyone bringing something from God to share. We have been seeking the Lord in prayer together on what he wants this church to be and how he wants to lead us to minister. We have been praying for power from on high to be his witnesses and gifts to demonstrate his love to each other. So far, we have had a potluck meal on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. and start sharing at 6:30 p.m.

On August 14th (on our 7th meeting) we baptized our two oldest kids in our neighbor’s pool. They both got to share why they wanted to be baptized and share the gospel with everyone that came. Susanna got to share the spiritual meanings of their names that we gave them, like her late father did when he was a pastor and baptized her. This was a very special moment for us as parents seeing our kids want to follow Jesus. The event was also special as we had close friends to celebrate with us.

Before partnering with Roots, we had served as youth leaders at a church in Grand Blanc and hosted a small group in our home. It has been a deep desire for us to make disciples that make disciples and establish simple house churches that multiply and network together. We are praying to see intimate communities of Jesus lovers, that are on mission together, where everyone is participating in the church and advancing the gospel with love in our Flint neighborhoods. When we read the book of Acts in the Bible (the story of the continuation of Jesus’ ministry after he ascended) it propels our deep desire to see the power and love of Jesus demonstrated today.

We’ll keep you updated on our journey with Jesus and his family!

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