
Hey brothers and sisters, this is Andrew Biddinger and Susanna Biddinger. We are blessed to have been married for 9+ years and are currently raising three beautiful kids.

We live in the Flint Michigan area and love to make followers of Jesus and have a huge desire to plant churches that multiply.

Andrew and Susanna Biddinger – Pastoring and Church Planting

When I (Andrew) was five years old, someone told me that Jesus died for my sins so that I didn’t have to go to hell. I put my faith in Jesus to save me. When I was nineteen years old, someone told me that I died on the cross with Jesus, he took my sins into the ground and buried them destroying any power that they had over my life. That same someone told me that Jesus didn’t stay dead, but he rose from the grave and is alive today and has given me a new life to live in/with him. I wanted that! I wanted to be made new and have a new life in Christ. This good news about Jesus and how he gave his life in exchange for mine.

Crucified Living got it’s name from one of the passages in Scripture that changed my life, Galatians 2:20.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

By my identity, I’m in Christ.

By calling, I am called to follow Jesus and be a minister of the Good News, to continue the ministry of Jesus that has given to his church (his body) through the work of the Holy Spirit in the power and authority of Jesus (Matthew 28:16–20 Mark 16:15–18).

By gifting, I love ministering to people holistically (spiritual, emotional, physical), deeply desire to see others come to Jesus, and see churches mature to glorify Christ and multiply.

By profession, I have worked as a digital designer and website/app developer, focusing on UX Design and Frontend development. I have been very blessed with the teams and people that I have been able to work with over the years!

By family, I’ve been adopted into the family of God. And I love having an Abba Father in heaven. It’s so good to be his child. It’s so good to be able to walk with my brothers and sisters on this journey of life.

By marriage, I’m the luckiest guy in the world! <3

By fatherhood, yeah…I like being a dad and love my kiddos.