Hey brothers and sisters, this is Andrew Biddinger and Susanna Biddinger. We are blessed to have been married for 9+ years and are currently raising three beautiful kids. Besides Pastoring, Andrew works as a UX Designer/Web Developer and Susanna works teaching our kids and managing the home.
Football is a favorite sport of Andrew and has gotten the kids into rooting for their own teams. Our son Oakey is a Lions fan, Emma is Jaguars fan (because she loves spotted animals), and Jason our youngest just likes to hang out with Dad and watch (so, he’s probably a Packers fan).
We live in the Flint Michigan area and love to make followers of Jesus that make other Jesus followers, see people loved, healed, delivered, whole, raised from the dead, and making other disciples. We have a huge desire to plant churches that multiply advancing the Kingdom on earth and Jesus and the early church once did.

Andrew’s Testimony
When I (Andrew) was five years old, someone told me that Jesus died for my sins so that I didn’t have to go to hell. I put my faith in Jesus to save me and receive his atonement from my sins.
When I was nineteen years old, someone told me that I died on the cross with Jesus, he took my sins into the ground and buried them destroying any power that they had over my life. That same someone told me that Jesus didn’t stay dead, but he rose from the grave and is alive today and has given me a new life to live in/with him. I wanted that! This good news of my new identity allowed me to live from a place of freedom. I didn’t have to try to be free of my sin, I was free. This new reality delivered me from an addiction to lust and showed me that life with him was not theoretical, but powerful. (Galatians 2:20, Romans 6, Ephesians 2:4-10)
When I was thirty-two, someone told me that Jesus’ ministry of healing, deliverance, kingdom proclamation, and baptism with the Holy Spirit and Fire wasn’t just in the past but was intended for all his disciples that follow him. The Holy Spirit is being at work today manifesting his gifts through signs, wonders, power, healing, deliverance, and building up the church. All to demonstrate God’s Father love and the good works of the Kingdom. Jesus freed me and healed me from strongholds of abandonment, levels of anxiety, deep rooted hurts, and taught be that I am a son with a good father who love me and is walking with me through life. Around that same time, I learned what it means to be baptized in the Spirit and regularly filled with the Spirit walking in the power of the Spirit to minister. (Matthew 28:16–20, Mark 16:15–18).
Crucified Living got it’s name from one of the passages in Scripture that changed my life, Galatians 2:20.
“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20
My new identity comes from being in Christ. To be “in” Christ locationally means to be crucified, buried, and raise to life with Christ. Just like a farmer gets his identity by living and working on his farm, I have gotten a new identity by receiving from Jesus all who he is and does. It may sound super weird, but because it’s true reality it’s life changing!